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A thoughtful journal with prompted pages inside to record 100 days of Gratitude. Focusing on the good makes the good better, that is what practicing gratitude does. Give yourself a few moments each day to reflect on all the positive things you have experienced. This journal comes with guided pages for you to record three things you are grateful for each day, as well as space to write your thoughts and intentions. Plenty of prompts and tools are included throughout the journal. 

 5.8" x 8.3"

Gratitude Gold Foiled Journal

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A thoughtful journal with prompted pages inside to record 100 days of Gratitude. Focusing on the good makes the good better, that is what practicing gratitude does. Give yourself a few moments each day to reflect on all the positive things you have experienced. This journal comes with guided pages for you to record three things you are grateful for each day, as well as space to write your thoughts and intentions. Plenty of prompts and tools are included throughout the journal. 

 5.8" x 8.3"
